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Acer x pseudosieboldianum 'Ice Dragon' #6

Sale price$340.00

Acer x pseudosieboldianum 'Ice Dragon' is a stunning Japanese maple. It's a beautiful small garden maple bred to tolerate zone 4 winters and retain the refined qualities of Japanese maples. Spring foliage unfurls a blushed orange-red, quickly maturing to green. Delicate in appearance, the finely divided leaves are tolerant of summer sun and heat. Late fall foliage is a kaleidoscope of yellow, orange and red. A sinuous undulating brach structure is a visual winter treat. 

  • Habit: cascading
  • Light: full sun to part shade
  • Soil: well drained, regular garden soil
  • Spacing: 15'
  • Height at maturity: 10'
  • Growth rate: 6 - 12" per year 
  • Zones: 4 - 7

Images are used for general reference only. The size, shape and leaf color will vary. 

This plant is not available for purchase online. Please call or visit the store for purchase. 

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