Light: Different varieties of this plant differ slightly in the amount of light they need. As a general rule, Amydrium prefers bright, indirect light. Brighter light tends to help produce the most impressive leaves. Too harsh of light, however, will distort and scorch them.
Water: Water your Amydrium thoroughly until the soil is evenly saturated and all the excess water has drained out the bottom. Once the top quarter to half of the soil is dry to the touch, it is time to water again. Yellow leaves mean the plant has gone too dry and leaves or new growth that turn black mean they have been overwatered. Dry, brittle or brown leaves mean that your plant has gone too dry.
Environment: Amydrium do well in temperatures between 55 and 80 degrees. If temperatures drop too low, it will stop growing and the leaves will turn black. Basic household humidity is sufficient, although it does appreciate a little extra.
Toxicity: Reported to be toxic to cats and dogs.
Of Note:
- Trim long runners to keep the plant looking bushy and full.
- A climbing structure (such as a moss pole) will help to prevent long, leafless runner vines.