Chlorophytum comosum - “Spider Plant”


Light: Chlorophytum comosum are great plants for low to medium indirect light, but do thrive best in bright filtered sun. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to bleach and/or burn at the tips.  

Water: Allow soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Water regularly during the warmer months when the plant is actively growing and reproducing. You can cut back watering a little in the cooler months of winter to give the plant a chance to rest and go semi-dormant.

Environment: Spider plants can tolerate a range of temperatures above 50 degrees, but they enjoy consistency. Sudden changes in temperature can cause damage. Avoid placing your plant in a window with a strong draft or in a spot adjacent to a heat source.

Toxicity: Chlorophytum is reported to be non-toxic to cats and dogs but is not meant to be consumed. 

Of note: 

  • Will eventually begin producing offshoots, or “babies,” that can be separated from the mother plant and propagated in soil or water.
  • When ingested, it can give cats a ‘high-like’ effect which may or may not negatively affect your pet. The ASPCA advises avoiding the ingestion of spider plants for pets.
Spider plants don’t require much fertilization, but do respond well to a small amount of  liquid houseplant fertilizer every few weeks during the spring and summer.
*When planting in a pot without a drainage hole, avoid over watering by estimating 25% of the container’s overall volume, with appropriate drainage materials incorporated when planting.