Care Sheet - Cissus Grape Ivy”
Cissus - “Grape Ivy”
Light: Although there is some variation among species depending on where they're from, Cissus will generally do their best in bright indirect light or moderate direct light, such as an east-facing window. They can also be grown well under grow lights.
Water: During the growing season (spring and summer), allow just the top inch of soil to dry out in between waterings. Water less frequently in the fall and winter, allowing the soil to partially dry between waterings. If the soil becomes completely dry for an extended time, leaves will be lost rapidly.
Environment: Maintaining temperatures between 68-82 degrees F is crucial in how to care for grape ivy houseplants. Temperatures over or under this range tend to repress the growth of their long runners.
Toxicity: This plant is reported to be non-toxic.
Of Note:
- Cissus vines are susceptible to scale insects, spider mites, and mealybugs. They may drop their leaves if they are underwatered, kept too cold or subjected to very dry air. If your plant starts dropping leaves, try misting it a few times a week and increasing the frequency of watering. If you start seeing yellow or curled leaves, it is likely because you are overwatering.
*When planting in a pot without a drainage hole, avoid over watering by estimating 25% of the container’s overall volume, with appropriate drainage materials incorporated when planting.