Ficus elastica - “Rubber Plant/Tree” 

Light: Ficus elastica enjoy bright indirect light or filtered sun. Sunburn manifests as bleached spots on the leaves; or leaves may curl under and new leaves will become smaller. Plants in inadequate light will drop their lowest leaves and stretch weak, floppy stems toward the light.

Water: Ficus elastica needs a well-draining potting mix, and they do best when the top ¼ of soil dries out between waterings. Once this happens, water thoroughly but never allow the pot to sit in standing water for an extended time to prevent root rot. 

Environment: It's best to keep rubber plants above 60-65F. Sudden changes in temperature can result in leaf drop. High humidity is preferred. Don't place rubber plants close to drafty areas, AC units or heat sources. If the plant does not receive adequate light, it may drop its lower leaves. This can also occur with age or stress from transition. 

Toxicity: Reported to be toxic to cats and dogs. If the white latex sap gets onto your skin, wash away with warm soap and water to avoid skin irritation.

Of Note:

  • If lower leaves begin to yellow or die, your rubber plant may be overwatered or root bound. If the soil is kept too moist or wet, cut back on watering. If you notice roots crowding the soil or planter, pot into a larger size container
The rubber plant’s leaves will appreciate being cleaned gently with a soft damp towel or sponge. This helps to give the plant the most sun it needs and deter pests; you will also enjoy the glossy dust-free look.
*When planting in a pot without a drainage hole, avoid over watering by estimating 25% of the container’s overall volume, with appropriate drainage materials incorporated when planting.