Jasminum - “Jasmine” includes Cestrum
(note: Cestrum is not a true Jasmine)

Light: Jasmine prefers bright, natural sunlight, but does not require direct sun. An east facing window would be a perfect place for a Jasmine plant. Jasmine can benefit from spending time outdoors in Spring/Summer in a partly shaded location. 

Water: Soil should be kept slightly moist, but not soggy. Feel the soil daily and water when the top inch of soil feels dry. If dry, water until thoroughly moist. Soil should be damp and well drained. Watering may slow down during the winter months. 

Environment: Jasmine likes warm and humid environments. They will not survive extreme cold, so keep them away from any drafts. Try to keep temperatures between 60-75 degrees, and never below 45 degrees. These vining and branching plants may grow well on a trellis or in hanging baskets. 

Toxicity:  Reported to be non-toxic to animals 

Of Note:

  • Exposing certain varieties of Jasmine to temperatures around 55-60 degrees Fahrenheit can encourage blooming
  • Early season vining jasmine can be prone to spider mites or mealy bugs, so be sure to check for them regularly
  • Avoid pruning if possible, but if you must it’s advised to do so after the blooming season.
  • When fertilizing jasmine, you want to use fertilizer that is rich in potassium and phosphorus. This type of fertilizer will help extend the bloom time of the plant. Indoor Jasmine plants should be fertilized at least twice a year. During the growing season of spring and summer, liquid fertilizer can be fed to the plant every few weeks. 

*When planting in a pot without a drainage hole, avoid over watering by estimating 25% of the container’s overall volume, with appropriate drainage materials incorporated when planting.