Oxalis - “Flowering Shamrock” “Wood Sorrel”

While there are many types of Oxalis, offering a wide range of leaf sizes and colors, their care is fortunately often quite similar meaning you can easily collect them all. Oxalis may grow from a fibrous root system or a more tuberous or bulb-like system.

Light: Oxalis require the brightest indirect light or low-intensity direct sun (such as eastern sun).

Water: While Oxalis do not like consistently saturated soil, generally even moisture is typically ideal. In less intense light, they may respond well to their soil drying just slightly.

Environment: The average home is perfect for most Oxalis as they typically don’t require much additional humidity. Be sure they’re not placed too snugly with other plants as airflow is important. Excessive heat can cause them stress as well and in these situations you will notice their leaves close somewhat. Tired or older leaves can be trimmed back to allow fresh growth to restore the look of the plant.. 

Toxicity: Semi-Toxic.

Of Note:

  • Oxalis plants may go dormant from time to time. If your plant seems to be dying back, reduce the watering and let the plant die back on its own. After a month or so of rest and drying out, it should start to sprout again. Begin to water and resume normal care.

*When planting in a pot without a drainage hole, avoid over watering by estimating 25% of the container’s overall volume, with appropriate drainage materials incorporated when planting.