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Terrarium Care

Care information is organized into two types of Terrariums:
Succulent “Desert” Terrariums  -or- Tropical / “Woodsy” Terrariums

Cactus & Succulent or "Desert" Terrariums

Light Needs: Full sun/Direct rays - Western or Southern exposure 


- There are a number of ways to water your terrarium plants, but the goal is to keep it minimal. In order to do that, we recommend using a measured amount of water (about the volume of a tall shot glass). Pour up to 3 shots, per plant, every two weeks or when the soil is dry. You can also use the directional stream of a spray bottle to water terrariums. This way, you are able to better control the amount of water that goes in, eliminating worries of over-watering. Be sure to spray enough to saturate the soil at the base of each plant so that it absorbs into the roots. Pay attention to the leaves of your cacti and succulents. They need the soil to dry out completely between watering, but the plants themselves will be good indicators of thirst. Succulents hold water reserves in their leaves. If they are happy, the leaves will appear full and firm. If they are thirsty, they will begin to deplete the water reserves in their leaves and appear puckered - like a deflating balloon. 

- Despite being planted together, some plants may need water when others do not. This means that each plant should be treated individually within the terrarium. Do not water cacti more than once a month. Do not water succulents until their leaves begin to pucker. 

- Generally speaking, desert terrariums will need water once every four weeks. When the sun is strong during the summer, these plants may need water every two or three weeks. During the winter, most succulents and cacti are dormant and may not need water at all until spring. Just make sure to pay attention to the leaves, and water as needed. 

- Covered terrariums should be left open for at least half of the week for air circulation. Just like us, plants need to breathe. If you notice condensation building up on the glass, remove the cover and air it out. Succulents prefer a very arid (dry) climate and will begin to rot if surrounded by too much moisture, whether in the soil or in the air. 

Trouble Notes: 

- Collapsed or mushy leaves indicate over-watering 

- Bottom leaves dropping may indicate lack of proper light

-puckered leaves may indicate lack of water

Tropical, Mossy or "Woodsy" Terrariums

Light Needs: Bright to Medium Indirect Light 

-Northern or Eastern exposure/Set back from Western or Southern exposure. 


- We recommend using the directional stream of a spray bottle to water terrariums. This way, you are able to better control the amount of water that goes in, eliminating worries of over-watering. The amount of water is relative to the size of the terrarium. 

- Pay attention to the soil. It will lighten slightly when moisture has left it. However, the best way to tell if your terrarium needs water is to actually feel the soil with your fingers. If you feel moisture, let the plants be. If the soil is dry, you may add a little bit of water at the base of each thirsty plant. 

- Generally speaking, newer terrariums will probably need a small amount of water added once per week. Once the roots have established themselves, water might need to be added closer to every ten days or so. Make sure you do a soil test first! 

- Despite being planted together, some plants may need water when others do not. This means that each plant should be treated individually within the terrarium if they are to be grown together. Some plants (such as pilea and peperomia varieties) have slightly succulent leaves and will prefer a drying time between watering. Plants such as ferns and moss will prefer to stay moist. 

- Humidity is key for tropical terrariums. If your terrarium seems to be lacking humidity, place a clear plate or similar item over the opening for a day or two in order to contain some humidity within the vessel. 

- Covered terrariums should be left open for at least one full day per week for air circulation. Just like us, plants need to breathe. If you notice condensation building up on the glass, remove the cover and air it out. Otherwise leaves may begin to rot. 

Trouble Notes: 

- Yellow leaves indicate over-watering 

- Brown, crispy leaves indicate under-watering 

- Brown tips on leaves indicate a lack of humidity