Baeckea virgata, otherwise known as “Heath Myrtle,” is an upright woody shrub dense with dark leaves on cascading stems and a white bloom similar to that of Leptospermum. Native to Australia, it grows as a bush that makes for a great hedge. Dense foliage can be trimmed after flowering to keep shape. The flowering branches are used as filler for fresh floral arrangements. 

Light: Full sun (when indoors)

Water: Even moisture

Environment: Native to Australia

Toxicity: Berries reported as potentially toxic; other information is not available

Habit / Size: Typically grown as a shrub in its native habitat

Of Note:

  • Synonym is Sannantha virgata 
  • Zone: 8–11

*When planting in a pot without a drainage hole, help avoid over watering by estimating 25% of the container’s overall volume, with appropriate drainage materials incorporated when planting.