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The dark blue purple flowers of Delphinium 'Black Knight' in close mid June at Sprout Home
Delphinium 'black Knight' in a #1 growers pot in bloom mid June
Delphinium 'Black Knight' in a #1 growers pot in bud stage the beginning of June
The starting buds about to open the beginning of June on the Delphinium 'Black Knight' perennial

Delphinium 'Black Knight' #1

Sale price$18.85

Delphinium 'Black Knight'  is prized for its incredible cut flower spikes of royal blue and purple flowers. 

  • Blooms: June - July
  • Light: full sun
  • Soil: well drained, regular garden soil
  • Height at maturity: 1.5 - 2'
  • Zones: 3 - 9

Images are used for general reference only. The size, shape and bloom state of each plant will vary.

This plant is not available for purchase online. Please call or visit the store for purchase.

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