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Berberis thunbergii 'Helmond Pillar' #3

Sale price$48.00

Berberi thunbergii 'Helmond Pillar' is an upright multi-stemmed, red barberry that can be used as a vertical accent in your mixed border.  Small garden flowers dot the burgundy growth in the spring. Makes a stunning accent when planted in the midst of yellow blooms and foliage. 

  • Light: full sun
  • Habit: narrow upright
  • Soil: well drained, regular garden soil
  • Spacing: 3'
  • Height at maturity: 6'
  • Pruning: trim the top to encourage a tidy spire
  • Watering: water regularly to establish
  • Growth rate: 6 - 8" per year
  • Zones: 4 - 8

Images are used for general reference only. The size, shape, bloom state and leaf color of each plant will vary.

This plant is not available for purchase online. Please call or visit the store for purchase.

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