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Dianthus 'Firewitch' 1qt

Sale price$8.50

Dianthus x gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch' has fragrant, single, fringed, magenta purple flowers that bloom on top of blue green foliage. Compact mounding habit. Tolerates heat and humidity. Good in edgings, rock gardens, borders and as a ground cover. 

  • Blooms: May through July
  • Tip: deadhead regularly
  • Light: full sun
  • Soil: moist, fertile, slightly alkaline, well drained, regular garden soil
  • Spacing: 12 - 18"
  • Height at maturity: 6 - 8"
  • Fertilization: Frequent, light applications of fertilizer during the growing seasons are better than heavy doses.
  • Zones: 3 - 9

Images are used for general reference only. The size, shape and bloom state of each plant will vary.

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