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Liriope spicata 1Qt

Sale price$8.50

Liriope spicata, or commonly called "creeping lilyturf", is a spreading plant that looks somewhat like taller and thicker grass blades. Flowers are light purple spikes. Moderately salt tolerant so a good ground cover choice for boulevards. 

  • Blooms: mid to late summer
  • Light: full sun  to full shade
  • Soil: well drained, regular garden soil
  • Height at maturity: 6 - 10"
  • Zones: 4 - 10
  • Pro tip: this will spread by rhizomes. Plant only in controlled areas. 

Images are used for general reference only. The size, shape, leaf color and bloom state of each plant will vary. 

This plant is not available for purchase online. Please call or visit the store for purchase.

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