Monstera deliciosa 10"


Monstera Deliciosa is a genus of 45 species of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae. Featuring large glossy green leaves, either with or without fenestrations. Young leaves develop this characteristic over time. 'Split-leaf Philodendron' is not actually a philodendron but a woody epiphytic vine that climbs by aerial roots. This plant can get quite large and sturdy support is necessary to prevent the stems from breaking. Can be pruned to maintain size.

  • Light - very bright light/partial shade
  • Watering - water well and allow to dry down 2-3." 
  • Soil - potting mix
  • Pruning - to manage growth
  • Propagation - by cuttings.
  • Toxicity - toxic to pets

Images are used for general reference only. The size and shape of each plant will vary. 

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